
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Al-Moallim: Terrorist operations become increasingly brutal

This is Walid Al-Moallim's letter to the Security Council dated on April 11. 
"Syrian Arab Republic
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Expatriates
Damascus, 11 April 2012
Having examined the letter sent to you on 10 April 2012 by the Special Envoy of the United Nations, Mr. Annan, We should like to draw the attention of the Security Council to the steps taken by the Syrian Arab Republic in the context of Mr. Annan's mission. I should be grateful if you could circulate this letter to members of the Security Council.
The Syrian Arab Republic Welcomed and accepted Mr. Annan's mission on 27 March 2012, pledging cooperation in order to ensure its success. However, terrorist operations have become increasingly brutal since that date. Syrian Government forces and innocent civilians have been attacked, infrastructure has been sabotaged, and dozens of people have been forcibly displaced to Turkey in order to fabricate a humanitarian crisis as a pretext for the establishment of secure Zones and humanitarian corridors.
It is Worth recalling that Mr. Annan has not informed us of any commitments made  by the other side, other than those mentioned in his letter dated 10 April 2012. In View of its negative experience in the case of the League of Arab States Observer Mission, when the armed groups made no commitment to end the violence, Syria has insisted on being kept the outcomes of Mr. Annan's contacts with a View to confirming that the armed groups have now made that commitment, which would guarantee the implementation of the Annan plan and prevent any further civilian or military casualties. The armed groups receive funding and Weapons from States Whose officials have openly‘ acknowledged providing the former and intending to encourage the provision of the latter. It Was therefore essential for the fulfilment of his mission that Mr. Annan should contact them and dissuade them from offering such support, which is responsible for the shedding of innocent Syrian blood.
It should be noted that Syria has not requested that the armed groups should disarm immediately. Its request for disarmament stems from the need to extend its authority over all Syrian territory in order to ensure public order and the full application of the law. Mr. Annan has assured me that that must happen in a phase following the cessation of violence from any quarter.
We are concerned that Mr. Annan has not addressed the armed groups’ responsibility for the violence that has escalated throughout Syria since we accepted the six-point plan. Although We drew his attention to their practices, he has not held them responsible for their criminal and terrorist acts, Which are the cause of all of the violence that has taken place. Moreover, he has relied on information from the Turkish Government that is not credible, given that Government's Well-known hostility towards Syria.
Syria has taken genuine steps to implement the requirements of the six-point plan. Today, it announced its commitment to ceasing all armed confrontation by 6 a.m. on 12 April 2012.
Syria stands prepared to continue discussions with Mr. Annan's team under Major General Mood in order to lay the bases for the United Nations observer mission.
Lastly; I shall continue to keep Mr. Annan informed of the redeployment of units of our Armed Forces. I look forward to being informed of the outcome of his efforts With the other concerned parties.

Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
(Signed) Mr. Walid Al-Moualem
for Foreign Affairs and Emigrants
BAN Ki-moon
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